How does it work?
Supercharge your research with the predictive power of's in silico capabilities integrated to eLabJournal in a few simple steps:
Install the "Predict toxicity with" plug-in from the eLabNext Marketplace
Send to
Click on the 'Send to Toxometris' option from the 'Sample Actions' dropdown list, or use the 'Send to Toxometris' button found on the compound's property page.
Configure settings
Configure the plugin by setting the field name for the chemical formula. Supported formats include SMILES, InChi, and CAS.
Enter your login credentials for
If you don't have an account, you can create one by completing the sign-up form.
Select compounds
Navigate to 'Inventory' -> 'Sample List' and select one or more compounds
Perform predictions and get reports
Selected compounds will appear in the 'New Test' form. Follow the instructions provided on the website. A copy of the report can also be uploaded to eLabJournal's file storage.